
about ID

A person with intellectual disability or mental retardation has an intellect which is significantly below average. This leads to limitations in adaptive behaviour which affects his/her self-help, living or social skills. It is not an illness or a disease, but a condition which can occur anytime before, during or after birth (typically before 18 years of age)

Persons with intellectual disabilities (PWIDs) usually have short attention span and face difficulty remembering. They may lack the ability to regulate their own behaviour or understand another person’s actions. Their learning rate is slower and they tend to lack the correct social skills when communicating and interacting with others.

Having said that, PWIDs are capable of expressing their emotions and needs. It is really up to us to be patient, to recognize and learn their “language”, and thereby understand their needs and wants. Once understood, they are really not much different from us. They do have their own thoughts and personalities, and typically carry innoncent and loving dispositions. Ultimately, they can be guided towards leading fulfilling and independent lives.

It is the mission of MINDS, MINDS MYG and BKTG to enrich their lives and achieve as much social integration for PWIDs, as far as possible.